Thanks Mahima for featuring the Professors story. I read your blogs regularly and once i came across this article i was thinking about forwarding the same to you highlight it in your blog. we are living in a weird time where not even once did the university think of reprimanding the student for saving the pics but instead sacked the professor just because she posted some pics even before joining the university. my simple question is would this have happened to a male professor standing on the beach in boxer shorts holding a glass of beer on the beaches of Goa?? Would the university have taken offence to that as well?

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I cannot..

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Hi. I do like your writing in general - but this one came across poorly. Marrying these instances to overall 75 years of freedoms feels like you're putting down independence and the progress the country has made. The stories are valid, and important ones - but on their own. The juxtaposition is throwing a color that is not necessarily true or right. My 2 cents, ofcourse.

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