On the contrary, I used to think that C sec moms need much more strength because I would see other moms getting well enough in about a week post delivery. But when my sister was born, it took around 2 months for my mom's stitches to fully heal and dry, not to mention it got infected once in between plus she got malaria at the same time. Hence, whenever this came up to my mother back then, I might have unconsciously declared with pride that both of us are C sec and my mother was stronger because she had to bear that ordeal twice. 😅

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I totally resonate with this post. And it is true. We are so blinded by the whole normal delivery thing that we fail to understand that it is ok to have a c section. And if anyone chooses it over normal that woman should not be judged.

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I am a man but this post made so much sense to me. One of my lady friends always talks about her natural delivery with an unusual sense of pride. She says our other lady friends in group don't know what is motherhood because they all opted for C sec. I never liked her pain tolerance pride but i never thought that this is so prevalent in society. Your post tackles the issue so well.

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Hey Mahima! It keeps getting more beautiful with each Friday. And your intentions are clear even without the disclaimer. More power to you, girl! ❤️

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Another must read..

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Hard hitting and on point as always, kudos to you

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