I just love this article. The last line was absolutely best.. πŸ‘πŸ˜ƒ. How about an article on how in India, God and related beliefs are used to support patriarchy? Just a humble request from myself, an ardent fan of ur writing. πŸ™‚

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Absolutely. Will DM you my home address so that you know where to send the Z-security! 🀣🀣

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🀣🀣 Your reply has made my day !

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Hi mahima, would it be possible to provide this article in hindi in a pdf . I wish to share this with my very patriarchal father in law

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I am so sorry again that I missed your comments on this piece for so long! I dont usually have Hindi translations of pieces at hand, but let me work on something just for you for this piece and the one on festival slavery :)

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Who knows the Sanskrit for, β€œThe Gods reside in that land where men make their own damn chapatis?” πŸ˜‚πŸ˜†

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I wish I would have written something like this. I think on the same lines, but you put in appropriate words much better than I can ever do. Kudos!

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In one particular incident, a CXO level guy was invited to "meet and inspire" all women in the department by the Women In Technology and Business group of our company.

One starry eyed young woman asked him about his idol..lo and behold... this CXO went on to elaborate how his inspiration is his wife who left her job to take care of the family so he can have a career!(I'm not exaggerating ...he said it in so many words) How tone deaf exactly do you have to be? You are called to motivate women and you essentially mock their ambition and mere participation in workforce by telling them that ideally they should be home taking care of their family so the husband can soar in his professional career.

What surprised me was that none of the senior women found this offending ...they thanked him for his time and kind words of inspiration! Since then I never participate in any of these women centric inspiration inducing events in office!

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Hear hear!!

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Also you could pen down a note on how women are subjected to slave so much in kitchen and for pujas on days of festivals that they seem like work days and not the festival days

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I am so sorry I missed this comment somehow! I did end up writing such a piece myself though, after seeing yet another reminder of the slavery you mentioned this year's Diwali! Here is the piece: https://womaning.substack.com/p/lamps-lights-and-limitless-labour

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Sacrifice s a personal choice. It should not be forced just because some are doing. Rightly pointed out.Completely agree.

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Loved it, but I am biased so that will not count I know. When you come out with that netflix series, promise me you will mention me when you collect all the awards. Urgently promise.

Not so long ago, our ceo saheb made a long speech using same examples of durga and what not. Like a pakka virtue signaller I am, I asked him why shouldn’t we investigate these hajaar responsibilities that women have so that we also get a day to celebrate hajaar things that we will also do at some point of time? I was told β€˜dont be too cynical’. I need to do clear speaking course. Any recommendations Mahima?

Also, why did I say β€˜Hola’?

Loved the post.

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I am the Queen of "Don't be so negative" when I point out that all is not well with the world. So if you ever figure out a course to do for that, do let me know. And you said Hola for the same reason I say Hello ji #LameAttemptsToSoundCool :)

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Happened to read this also the same day. Do check it out. Felt wowed and also shocked about all that male authors take for granted. I used to look at writing tips offered by male authors about how and when and where to write peacefully, never realizing about the challenges of being a writer-mother.


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Another great post!! Sacrifice itself is a very f*** up metric to judge anybody by. It's like choosing a completely irrelevant KPI like MOM taking to judge performance by. Too true to call it out as an insidious form of patriarchy.

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Well the article is trying to challenge the societal pattern… what about your own profile description ? Dabbler or many things!! Are we not to be blamed as much .. are we saying that if the society stops to glorify the sacrifices .. women will stop doing what they do ? It’s also internal to each women who does sacrifices .. it gives them pleasure

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No one is denying women(or even menπŸ™‚) the pleasure of sacrificing.. but to glorify it builds a kind of peer pressure for other women. From my perspective, the article is merely saying to stop glorifying sacrifices. Why glorify, it's a personal choice, to sacrifice or not, right? Society glorifying it doesn't let it stay as a personal choice.

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Yes that is absolutely what this piece is saying, Pallavi. Bang on πŸ‘πŸΌ

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